Lighting Designer | Artist


Lighting Direction & Show Caller for Sam Hunt Outskirts 2024 Winter Arena Tour.
Designed by Darien Koop & Programmed by Bobby Grey



My name is Vada (vay.dah) and I am a freelance Lighting Designer, Lighting Director, and Lighting Programmer/Operator for theatre, broadcast, and live events. I am currently based in Los Angeles.

I am a proud first-generation American and total art history nerd that enjoys drinking iced americanos, drawing, and daydreaming about owning multiple dogs. In my spare time, I’m the co-founder and lead illustrator for Fruit Bat Press - a handmade limited edition chapbook press based in Chicago and Los Angeles.

In 2020, when live events came to a complete halt I was lucky enough to create a community with several industry peers to form EVEN. We are a non-profit that seeks to create a more diverse and inclusive live events industry through outreach, training, mentorship networking, and job placement.

Follow my instagram if you'd like! @darthvada